On August 23rd we’re launching our first installment of The Inspired Life Project: 100 Days of Nova Scotia. This project aims to inspire and showcase some of the unique features of what makes Nova Scotia really cool. As August comes to a close and summer winds down, most people assume the fun does too. We’re out to prove that it’s absolutely not true! Our plan for the next 100 days is to highlight what this province has to offer and make summer jealous.
From wineries and fall colors to everyday adventures we plan to inspire and uncover the best of Nova Scotia. We hope you’ll come along for the ride, so buckle up!
Everyday we will set out to experience something awesome – mini adventures if you will – and we will showcase each day’s event with a one-minute video that will be shared on our Facebook, Instagram and Twitter account. If you have ideas of things we should do or see just use the hashtag #100daysofnovascotia and we will add it to the list! If you do something awesome, snap a photo and use the hashtag #100daysofnovascotia! If you need to inject some fun and adventure into your life, use the hashtag #100daysofnovascotia…You get the point right?
We’re on a mission to prove that you don’t need to quit your job, sell you stuff and become a nomad in order to inject adventure and fun into your everyday life.
The Townhouse Brewpub and eatery in Antigonish is great and that is a busy little town with lots to see around.
The Wooden Tents on Pictou Island. And check out the vineyard while you’re there!
Hi Lorne! We’ve met before – do you remember? Actually, the wooden tents is a GREAT idea…how late are you open?
It’s our first year and we have committed to being open till October 02. The water is warmest in September. Come visit! And yes, I remember you!
This was an interesting place late last summer during the right “tide timing” with the semipalmated sandpiper migration… http://www.natureconservancy.ca/en/where-we-work/new-brunswick/featured-projects/johnsons_mills.html
Thanks Cheryl! We will check it out for sure!
Just found your Facebook page via my daughter who gave you a pedicure at Wink Day Spa recently.Kudos to you for promoting local.Would love to have you visit our store-Babbling Brook Antiques located in the Ginger House at 676 Prince St.Truro.Coffee and oatcakes are on the house! You can check out my Facebook page: Babbling Brook Antiques.
Hey Kim! Sorry for the slow reply, we’ve been so busy with 100 days that our site took a back seat but now we’re transitioning everything over! We would love to stop by for a visit!