This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and it’s advertiser, Bose. All opinions are mine alone. #sweetdreamsoundsleep #CollectiveBias
Sleep. Sweet, elusive, wonderful sleep. If you’ve been with us a while, dearest blog reader, you know that we’re all about forming healthy routines and habits that support our crazy travel lifestyle but sleep is something I’ve struggled with for as long as I can remember. It’s that one, missing piece to our healthy lifestyle puzzle. You probably also know that we’ve gone to great lengths to create the perfect conditions for me to get some restful shut eye. Today, I can confidently say that we’ve completed the process and I’m so excited to share how to finally get a good nights sleep. Here are my 5 easy steps and the latest addition to my precious sleep routine, the Bose noise-masking sleepbuds.
(Shop these Bose® sleepbuds™ by clicking on the image – sweet dreams!)
My Personal Sleep Struggle
If you’re reading this, you’re probably someone who struggles with sleep as well but let’s start with a little context shall we. First, I’m an incredibly light sleeper. Brent always jokes that if someone rolls over in their bed two houses down the street, I wake up. Second, Brent snores (sorry babe, but it’s true) and because I’m a light sleeper, as soon as he starts – I’m awake. If you have a snorer in the house you know what I’m talking about. In fact, our cat even snores! And third, I (like many of you I’m sure) have a really hard time shutting off my brain at night. I’ll lay in bed thinking of all the things I need to do that week, ideas for new projects, travel planning, what I’m going to write, what I’m going to cook, what happened in the latest episode of Scandal, etc. Over the years, I’ve done a TON of research on what sleep deprivation does to your brain (it’s not good) and have made a very conscious effort to fix my sleep issues. And now, I’m happy to report, I’ve come up with a system that works like a charm. So, if you’re with me, here’s my take on how to get a good nights sleep in 5 easy steps.
1. Create a bedtime routine
This was my first task in getting a good nights sleep. We all know that screen time before bed interferes with sleep but executing is easier said than done. It really just comes down to habit and will power. Turn off your phone, shut down the computer, and avoid the television before bed. I aim for at least 30 minutes but find that 1-2 hours is even better. Instead, I make a tea and grab whatever book I’m working on or write in my journal (side note: I’m totally loving my 5 minute gratitude journal).
2. Make your bedroom an oasis
We tackled this one last year. At the time, we had a mattress & boxspring on the floor, old pillows, and no decor or any kind. It was a 6 week project but when it was all said and done, we transformed our master bedroom for boring and lacklustre to a sleep oasis complete with amazing wool pillows, high thread count sheets and a luxurious feel that just makes you want to spend time there!
(our bedroom before the make-over) (our master oasis after the transformation)
3. Supplement
I’ve also been experimenting with supplements and other natural sleep aids including essential oils and have found a combination that works really well for me. After years of trial and error, I’ve settled on a natural sleep spray that contains a blend of melatonin and other herbs as well as an essential oils blend in my diffuser. Unfortunately, when it comes to supplements and essential oils it’s incredibly individual so you really need to do the research and find what works best for you personally.
4. Address light pollution
We happen to live in a loft with some pretty cool architectural details, including these old original windows leading from our master to the main living space which is full of natural light. The downside of that is that light from the street sneaks into our bedroom so I’ve found using a sleep mask to be really helpful. Obviously, if your space allows for it, you can also opt for something like black-out curtains to achieve a super dark space. I’ve also removed all electronics from our room. So, no clocks, no televisions, nothing plugged in that will make any sort of light pollution. Extreme? Maybe. But, it’s working for me!
5. Control the sound with Bose® noise-masking sleepbuds™
The final, and arguably the most important, part of the system is controlling what you hear at night. Trust me when I tell you, I’ve tried every kind of ear plug going and have spent a fortune trying to figure this out over the years. Until now, nothing has worked. They either fall out, don’t work well enough, or hurt my ears but I’m SO EXCITED to share with you that I’ve found the crown jewel of noise control. Let me introduce the latest addition to my precious sleep routine:
Bose® noise-masking sleepbuds™
Let me start by saying OMG I’m obsessed with these things. If you’re a sound sleeper you won’t get this, but if you’re like me you’re about to have mind blown and will be running out to your local Best Buy or to pick up a pair for yourself.
Where do I start? First, they’re by far the most comfortable thing I’ve ever put into my ears. They’re super soft and actually come with three different sized attachments so are customizable based on the size of your ear (life changing). I always thought I had oddly shaped ears because every earplug I’ve tried leaves me waking up with really sore ears but the Bose® sleepbuds™ feel amazing (in fact, you can barely feel them at all).
They work with the downloadable Bose Sleep app on your phone to deliver a variety of different ambient sounds that coverup any unwanted noise. The sound bank is great and has a bunch of different options depending on what kind of noise lulls you to sleep best and lets you stay asleep. My personal favourites are the ocean sounds and rustling leaves (so good) and they’re all adjustable based on how much outside sounds you want to let in!
The sleep app also allows you to set alarms for yourself which is perfect for people who share a bed but have different schedules. There’s nothing worse than having the ability to sleep in a little and your partner’s blaring alarms wakes you up before your time! Am I right?!?
Let’s be completely honest here, it’s no surprise that I love the Bose® noise-masking sleepbuds™. If it sounds like I’m raving about them, it’s because I am! If you visit our home you’ll see that Bose products are a staple – why? Because they produce amazing, innovating, “make-your-life-easier” products and these sleepbuds™ are just another example of that.
I’m also really excited to take them on the road with us which is another sleep struggle all together. The carrying case is perfect for travel, the rechargeable sleepbuds™ themselves hold a 16 hour charge and the charging pod provides another full charge on top of that before needing to be plugged in… long haul flights, I’m coming for you! The tech used is the same as that used in hearing aids so they’re completely safe to wear.
Final Thoughts
That’s it fiends, my 5 step sleep system for finally getting a good nights sleep. Yes, some of this is an investment. Our room make-over (including linens and pillows) was in the neighbourhood of $2,000 (not including our fabulous mattress that was $1900 when I bought it several years ago), supplements and essential oils can be pricey and the Bose® noise-masking sleepbuds™ retail for $329.99 here in Canada but given that you spend about 1/3 of your life sleeping, to me, it’s all worth it. If you’re someone who has a hard time sleeping because of the noise around you or you share a house with someone who snores, I’d definitely recommend checking out the sleepbuds at your local Best Buy or at
Do you have a night time routine that works great for you or any questions about this one? Leave us a comment below and let us know because we always love hearing from you!