Faces of Truro Live
Downtown Truro is a vibrant community full of opportunity and it’s been amazing to watch so many friends and family return back their roots after time away. Today we’re shining a light on Property Guys Truro, Colchester & East Hants and we’re getting all the answers to your questions around buying and selling a home either for the first time or as a seasoned seller.
Property Guys Truro, Colchester & East Hants
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In this episode, we’re chatting with Robyn Deveau and Darcy about what makes Property Guys unique. We’re also dispelling some common myths about home buying and selling and give you the breakdown on why you might choose the non-traditional real estate route!
>> [5:41] Meet Robyn; owner of Property Guys Truro, Colchester & East Hants.
>> [6:15] What is Property Guys & what makes it different from traditional real estate agencies?
>> [9:25] What do you think makes Truro special?
>> [12:01] What is your best tip for someone listing their home for the first time (or other)?
>> [14:43] What’s your best tip for home-buyers that usually get overlooked?
>> [17:00] Maintaning and healthy level of confidence and being able to disconnect from your home when taking critisims from potential buyers.
>> [22:20] DIY home selling & buying. “Everyone thinks it’s scary and that you’re on your own but…”
>> [ 24:00] A view of this property (it’s for sale)…amazing!
We left this show with a new understanding of exactly how Property Guys works as a solution for home buying and selling as well as getting to know the humans behind the brand a little bit better.
What did you learn in this episode? Did anything surprise you? We’d love to hear it!
*The #facesoftrurolive series is sponsored the Downtown Truro Partnership. You can learn more about the businesses that make up Truro by visiting their website. As always, all opinions are always and forever our own!