Ladies and gentlemen here it is! My first blog post on Dashboard!
For months Sara and I have been working on various projects and she has been doing all the writing, so I thought we should mix it up a bit (and give her a break). The purpose of this post is to introduce myself and let you get to know the better half of Dashboard.
I guess I should start at the beginning… About thirty-nine years ago, a little boy was born eight pounds ten ounces, to a couple of young adults in Ontario. These adults (my parents) named this very cute baby Brent.
Ok maybe I went back too far, so I’ll make up a bit of time; I grew up in a small town called Barry’s Bay in Ontario, Sara swears no one has every heard of it and if you blink on Highway 60 you may miss it (trust me, spend a week there and it will leave a lasting impression on you). I spent most of my early years playing organized sports and embracing every opportunity to travel.
Once I left the nest I bounced around a bit in Ontario, before moving to Iqaluit NU for rotational work with an airline company. After a few years, I made St John’s NL my home, then moved to Halifax NS, and now I live in Truro, all the while employed in the airline or aerospace industry. Somewhere in the mix of all that moving I graduated from the College of the North Atlantic (Occupational Heath and Safety), and have been a part time student since 2013 at the Nova Scotia Community College.
So, I bet your wondering where does Dashboard Living fit into this mix? Here are the Cliff’s notes.
I was working on an assignment at a local pub when the business idea was conceived. The concept as we know it today wasn’t fully complete until I met Sara. We started dating about four years ago, and somewhere along the way we discussed our hopes and dreams and the Dashboard idea resurfaced.
We had some shared interests (travel, tourism and hospitality) and complimentary strengths. Together we began to shape our passion into a business plan. Our driving force is inspiring others to experience all that life has too offer. By connecting with so many passionate business owners we’re able to showcase these experiences through our social media channels and our website.
SIDE BAR: If you’re not already subscribed to our newsletter and following us on social media, you should be! You can do that in this box:
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For me Dashboard is an amazing experience. I get to work on projects I love, while sharing these experiences with the person I love…kinda sappy but true. Utilizing each others’ talents (while having the ability to joke about our weaknesses) has been the catalyst to both our relationship and business success.
We believe that 2018 will be a big year for us, especially for me (as by now you know I have left my 9-5 job) because Dashboard will now be my primary focus. This was a huge but necessary step to achieve the goals we have set out for ourselves.
In the coming weeks and months, you’ll be hearing from me more often (providing our editor, Sara, approves my posts) and getting my take on our road trips, adventures and experiences.
I trust you’ll enjoy my wit, crack a smile and may even be entertained. Until next time buckle up!
Congrats Brent! Leaving your full time job is a huge leap…but I have a feeling that if anyone can make it work…it’s you guys. Can’t wait to see where this crazy ride takes you next…and how you and Sara make out working together full-time…:0…LOL! (Speaking as a woman who has spent 20+years working hard at NOT working with my husband. 😉 ) Enjoy!